What is the Concept of SDCA & PDCA in TQM? - Mechstudytips

 Concept of SDCA & PDCA

What is the Concept of SDCA & PDCA in TQM? -  Mechstudytips

(1) The need for understanding SDCA and PDCA:

 They are central to the practice of Total Quality Management.  To understand SDCA & PDCA in-depth, we need to understand three types of planning cycles.

(2) Three types of Planning Cycles: 

a) Retainment cycle (Level -1)

b) Improvement cycle (Level -2) 

c) Innovation Cycle (Level - 3)

(3) Contribution of hierarchy to the planning cycle 

i) Three layers of hierarchy:

 The hierarchy in the organization can be distinguished as follows:

 a) Top management      : The most senior staff of an organization or business, including the heads of departments led by the  chief executive

 b) Middle Management : The level of management consisting of executives or supervisory staff in charge of the detailed running of the organization, reporting to top management 

c) Operating strata           : The group of people who work in Gemba - in the shop floor, office area, market place, wards in the hospital, dining - place in a hotel, etc 

(4) Conclusion:

 a) Continuous Improvement:

 There are three types of planning cycles in vogue.  

In level - 1, the focus is on adhering to the existing processes to deliver consistent quality.  This is achieved by unfailing adherence to Standard Operating Procedures.  This cycle is called as Retainment cycle and it is represented by SDCA.  This process is called Standardization 

In level - 2 (Daily Management), the existing process is incrementally improved to meet the changing needs of customers (or) the business needs.  Here, the deliverables of the existing processes are incrementally improved.  The cycle is called the Improvement cycle and is represented by PDCA. 

In level - 3 (Policy Management), the Planning Cycle is called the Innovation cycle where breakthrough projects with long-term implications are planned and implemented.  Here, the rotation of PDCA means, meeting the deliverables of projects in terms of Quality, Cost, and Delivery.  In level - 3, the top management's involvement is essential

 b) Schematic representation of continuous improvement (kaizen): 

After improving the process, by improving the methods/materials/resources, etc., the standards are revised.  From then on, the revised processes have been adhered to diligently and 100% conformance is ensured.  This phenomenon can be understood as rotating the PDCA cycle and SDCA cycle repeatedly, sequentially, and in tandem and is schematically represented below:

c) The next step:

 Having understood the concept of PDCA and SDCA for implementing continuous improvement, the next question (s) that comes to our mind is what are the areas to focus on for making such improvements?  Is there any general classification/guideline which can be applied by all companies and all industries?  The answer to these questions is given as the concept of PQCDMS, which is explained as the next topic ...

What is the Concept of SDCA & PDCA in TQM? -  Mechstudytips


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