What is 5S audit check sheet and how to create ? - Mechstudytips

5S audit check sheet 

5S audit check sheets are used to confirm the 5S level and improvement in your workplace.

Checkpoints may vary based on the workplace. So here we will see the guideline for how to create a 5S check sheet.

Steps to create 5S audit check sheet,

1. First, go to the real workplace

2. Check  and capture what are the things used to do the work like a machine, computer, table, tools, etc

3. Check what are the standards followed in the place

4. Keep 5's in your mind and take a plain A4 paper

5. Make 5 S as a separate column as Seiri, Seiton, Etc.,

6. Every column must have 5 points each, so that put together it will come 20 and each point have score range 1 - 5 ( 1 - Poor, 2 - Fair, 3- Good, 4 - Excellent, 5- Outstanding)

6. Write down the points Seiri column which is about unwanted things removal ( eg: Removal of unwanted materials)

7. Like that write down the points for other 4 S based on the reality to improve

8. Verify the points, whether it helps to improve the place or not. If any correct required, do it. The point must be to improve the place, not favorable to you.


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