Contribution to three planning cycles in Daily Management - Mechstudytips

 The involvement of each of these groups differs in terms of their contribution to three planning cycles. 

 ii) Contribution of Top management: 

The contribution of top management is high in the Innovation cycle, which brings about breakthrough results.  In a TQM company, this is accomplished during the policy establishment stage These plans are expected to be proactive, intuitive, and creative in nature - the result of out-of-the-box thinking However, the top management's contributions to Improvement cycles are moderate and  their involvement in the Retainment cycle is very little

iii) Contribution of Middle Management:

 The middle management involves fully in the Improvement cycles (Kaizens) and its contributions to the Innovation cycle and Retainment cycle may not be high but are quite significant. 

iv) Contribution of Operating Strata: 

The operating strata of the organization, which are working in Gemba, contribute fully to the Retainment cycle.  They contribute to the Improvement cycle through Total Employee Involvement (TEI) activities.  

v) Contribution of various levels of hierarchy: 

When deployed, Innovation cycles become Improvement cycles and Retainment cycles, at the operating level. 

 The Innovation cycles are like offensive strategies in a football game and the (Improvement + Retainment cycles) are defensive strategies.  Both are required to win.


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