Daily Management - An Overview - Mechstudytips

Daily Management - An Overview

Daily Management - An Overview - Mechstudytips
Daily Management - An Overview - Mechstudytips

(1) What is Daily Management?

  Daily Management (DM) is the process of accomplishing one's roles and responsibilities - efficiently and effectively.

(2) What is the meaning of accomplishing efficiently? 

 It is the ability to achieve targets - on time, every time.  In a TQM company, this is achieved by targeting focus areas and rotating PDCA and SDCA cycles.  This process is known as continuous improvement (or) Kaizen

 (3) What is the meaning of accomplishing effectively?

  The effective way is the way of doing the right things, that is, the things which we are expected to do.  In a TQM company, we are expected to satisfy our customers by meeting their ever-changing and ever-increasing expectations on a daily basis, day-in, and day-out.  Hence, our effectiveness can be defined by the level of satisfaction of our customers. 

(4) Daily Management - Does it mean doing the same job repeatedly every day in the same fashion - day - in and day - out?  

No.  It is not possible to meet the ever-changing and ever-increasing customer expectations by maintaining the status quo.  The aim of Daily Management is not to create an inflexible bureaucracy.  It is not to make everyone a glorified clerk.  On the contrary, Daily Management aims to improve our daily performance continuously

 (5) Conclusion: 

The above clarifications and italicized keywords lead us to the need for answering the following questions:

1) What are PDCA and SDCA cycles?

2) What is continuous improvement?  

3) Are there any 'areas' to focus on to achieve continuous improvement?  

4) Who are our customers and what are their expectations?

5) How to set targets which would satisfy our customers? 

6) How to factor in our customer's expectations into our daily performance?

7) How to make sure that we improve continuously? 

 Answering the above questions would clarify the practice of Daily Management, which we are setting out to do in the following pages ...


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