What is Visual Work Place in 5S? - Mechstudytips

Visual Work place in 5S

The visual work place is used to maintaining 5S in place. This is one the method uses in Seiton

"A place for everything and everything in its place"

1. Name everything         ---- Provide Visible Indicators ---- Provide arrows, Lamps, Signs, Colors,                                                                                                      Codes, Etc.

2. Use 3 keys for storage ---- Provide Address  --- Use logic city/Street/House(Racks/Floor/Location)
                                         ---- Identify Parts       --- Use Labels/Tags
                                         ---- Indicate Quantity --- Fix min-max, provide Visual indicators

3. Follow storage logic   ---- Based on usage     --- Keep frequently used nearer, Lease used farther
                                        ---- Based on weight    --- Heavy items - Bottom, Light item - top
                                        ---- Based on Position  ---  Provide set limits, No homeless items

4. Monitor Stock situation --- Out of stock/overstock ---- Revise min/max stock values
                                           --- Being used?           ---- Identify who is using and when they will return
                                           --- Lost?                      ---- Use shadow outline to identify what is missing


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