What is 5S? - Mechstudytips


5S methodology management chart diagram with Sort. Set in order. Shine. Standardize and Sustain. Vector illustration.

What is 5S?

1S - Seiri - Sort - To eliminate unwanted items

2S - Seiton - Set in Order - To provide a place for                                               needed items

3S - Seiso - Shine - To Keep everything clean

4S - Seiketsu - Standardize - To Practice all the above regularly

5S - Shitsuke - Sustain  - To make 5S a way of life

What is the purpose of 5S?

For any type of improvement, 5S is the basic requirement. By doing the 5S activity, you can get a cleaner and improved workplace.

How to Implement 5S?

1. Create a 5S team

2. Fix the roles and responsibilities for the 5S team

3. Create a 5S audit plan and procedure

4. Implement and track the 5S plan by use of PDCA

5. Appreciate who are all done best 

What is the Minimum score for 5S?


What are the benefits of the 5S system?

1. Productivity by eliminating search time

2. Safe, Healthy, and cheerful workplace

3. Waste reduction

4. Workers happiness

5. Easy Visualization

6. Clean environment

7. No confusion


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