What is Checking Point in Performance Measurement System ? - Mechstudytips

 Checking Point in Performance Measurement System

(1) Introduction:

The definition and deriving of Managing Points have clarified all the Ws of the 5W1H.. The roles and responsibilities give the purpose (Why). The functional objectives, when defined with metric and target, give the direction (What).

The Managing Points is always owned by the process owner (Who). The place (Where) is always the gemba. The pursuance of objective is happening day-in and day-out (When). What is left out in the 5W1H is the How which is defined by the Checking Points.

(2) Defining the Checking Points (CP)

The functional objectives, as defined by the Managing Points, give the goals to be achieved. But we need to decide the way for reaching the goal. This is given by the functional strategies which are known as Checking Points. Thus Checking Points clarify what is required to be done for achieving the Managing Points.

Checking Points lay down the functional strategies for achieving functional objectives. Checking Points are the key performance indicators of the process which are to be focused on to achieve the functional objectives. Checking Points define the nature of activities required, the persons responsible, and timeline for completion

(3) Deriving the Checking Points:

  • The Checking Points can be derived by doing brainstorming and Cause-and-Effect analysis. The Checking Points can be derived corresponding to a Managing Point. .
  • The Checking Points are the control points in SOP which when executed would result in the achievement of functional objectives.
  • The Checking Points are the set of activities required to be executed on a time-bound manner, which could be the resultant action plans of the daily review of the functional objectives.
  • The Checking Points could also be the projects of improvements.

Thus, the Checking Point of HOD can be expressed as,

Checking Point = Functional Strategy + Target + Person Responsible


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