What is Managing Points in TQM - Performance Measurement System ? - Mechstudytips

 Managing Points in Performance Measurement System

1) Introduction:

 For the purpose of practicing the self-sustaining chain reaction, namely Kaizen we need to define the following: 

1) Where are we?

2) Where do we want to go? 

 Point 1) requires us to define our roles, responsibilities, and deliverables expected of an individual.  The metrics associated with the deliverables give the magnitude of the functional requirements.  This defines the what.  Point 2) Indicates the desired destination.  When all the aspects associated with the above points are defined clearly, then the Managing Point of a person is said to have been defined.

2) Defining the Managing Point (MP)

Managing Point, as seen from the above explanation, is the functional objective accountable of the business process defined with appreciate metrics and targets.

Managing point clarifies the output of the process for which a person is an account.    Managing Point which gives the functional objectives is vectors since they clarify both the direction and magnitude of what one person is expected to achieve.

 Managing Points are the functional objectives, which when fulfilled, meet the changing expectations of customers

 It is the foundation on which the process of continuous improvement namely Kaizen stands. 

 Thus, the defining of Managing Points requires:

a)  Stating the deliverables (functional objectives) 
b) The metrics for measuring the performance 
c)  The targets for achievement.

 The overriding assumption made here is that the functional responsibilities are being executed through a set of activities on a day-to-day basis which is governed by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS).  The SOPS gets revised as and when improvements are made.  Thus, SOPS impact and get impacted all the time. 

 In other words, the PDCA and SDCA are rotated in tandem which is the crux of continuous improvement or Kaizen. 

 (3) Deriving the Managing Points. 

 Step 1: Define the mission of your function by referring to 5.4 (Table - B) To define the mission, answer the following questions: What is the purpose of our function?  Why do we exist?  Verbalize the answer as the Mission statement.  

Step 2: Define your role: To define your role, keep your mission in mind.  Think in terms of PQCDMS.  Identify the major domains emerging from the customer expectations,

Step 3: Define your responsibilities: List the major activities required to satisfy your role in terms of PQCDMS.  They can be defined at a macro level in terms of systems and functions.  These are your responsibilities. 

Step 4: Define your Managing Point: Having defined your responsibilities, put them down as activities or Managing Points.  Categorize them in terms of PQCDMS.  Change the order of priority by looking at Your functional importance. Think of the appropriate metric for the activities.  Decide the unit of measurement (UOM).  Finalize the review frequency such as daily / weekly / monthly.  Decide the target for each managing point. 

Thus, the managing point of a HOD can be expressed as 

 Managing Point = Functional Objective + Metric + Target


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