Part 2- What is the role of a Supervisor in any organization? - Mechstudytips


Part 2- What is the role of a Supervisor in any organization?

In this part, we will discuss how to identify and develop people based on their inner things.

For Every supervisor, must know how to identify a person with their outlooks

Three Skills of a Situational Leader 

1. Diagnosis: Assessing an individual’s need for direction and support 

2. Flexibility: Using a variety of leadership styles comfortably 

3. Partnering for Performance: Reaching agreement with people about their development level and  the leadership style needed to help them achieve individual and organizational goals

Skill 1: Diagnosis 

Understanding the Development Level of individuals: 

1. Competence: Task Knowledge and Skills 

2. Commitment: Motivation and Confidence

Identifying Subordinate’s Developmental Level

D1 – Enthusiastic Beginner 

Looks of  Enthusiastic Beginner  - Mostly Freshers

• Hopeful 

• Inexperienced 

• Curious 

• New/Unskilled 

• Optimistic 

• Eager 

• Excited 

• Enthusiastic

D2 – Disillusioned Learner - Confused Persons - Danger to Organization

Outlook of Disillusioned Learner: 

• Overwhelmed 

• Confused 

• Demotivated 

• Frustrated 

• Disillusioned 

• Discouraged 

• Flashes of Competence

D3 – Cautious Performer  

Descriptors of D3

• Self-critical 

• Cautious 

• Doubtful 

• Capable 

• Contributing 

• Insecure 

• Tentative/ Unsure

D4 – Self-reliant Achiever - Kingmakers


• Justifiably Confident 

• Consistently Competent 

• Inspired / Inspires others 

• Expert 

• Autonomous 

• Self-assured 

• Accomplished 

• Self-reliant / Self-directed


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