What is SOP? - Mechstudytips

 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

What is SOP? - Mechstudytips

SOP is a document to ensure the process is in a correct and defined method.

Commonly it will contain 3 Major Parts

1. Incoming Quality Check

2. Work Content

3. Outgoing Quality check

1. IQC - Incoming Quality Check

This is the first checking method for any start of work

You need to check the correct part no, Correct Fixtures, Correct Tool, Basic checking required before assembly.

Previous customer claims, Special and critical parameters should be checked before assembly

2. Work Content

This part will contain, 
How to assemble the part? 
How to do the sequence of processes?
How to do an in-process check?

Mainly, This will say how to produce the part in a defined method

3. OQC - Outgoing Quality Check

After assembly what are the checkpoints before being sent to the next station?

Commonly mating parts should be correct.

Apart from this, the SOP should have the following things also

1. Work Station No..................
2. Work Centre Name ................
3. No of pages....
4. Revision No and Latest Revision no
5. Revision History
6. Critical and Safety parameter details
7. QCPC plan no
8. PFC no
9. Fixture used for the process
10. Torque and testing parameters
11. Tools details
12. Checking / Inspection frequency
13. Reaction Plan details
14. BOM details


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