What is the Concept of PQCDMS in TQM? - Mechstudytips

Concept of PQCDMS 

What is the Concept of PQCDMS in TQM? - Mechstudytips

(1) Stratification of Improvement Plans: 

In TQM practice, the improvement plans or Kaizens are categorized under PQCDMS.  Such categorization provides the focus areas. 

(2) Definition PQCDMS:

 The PQCDMS are defined as follows:

P (Productivity)  -  Increasing the output for a given input or using lesser resources to deliver increased output. 

Q (Quality)         -  Meeting the customer expectations in terms of product quality and services.

C (Cost)               -  All costs associated with the business activities, such as variable cost, fixed cost,                                      quality cost, etc.

D (Delivery)        - On-time delivery of products and services to the customers.

M (Morale)         -  Imparting training, development and motivation. 

S (Safety) -  Eliminating accidents and unsafe conditions which are identified through safety audits. 

(3) Benefits of categorization:

The stratified thinking of looking at issues on the basis of PQCDMS helps in: 

  • Clarifying the expectations of customers, both internal and external 
  • Evolving the roles and responsibilities and ultimately evolving the objectives and strategies
  • Benchmarking exercise by comparing the  targets with industry norms and with other industries for the purpose of setting SMART targets

The whole exercise lends exactness to the Daily Management process

(4) Conclusion: 

1) No trade - offs 

It is not that improvement of one aspect of PQCDMS is achieved at the cost of others.  But, it is the improvement of one benefitting many (No trade-offs)!  

2) The next step: 

Having understood the way to classify improvements to arrive at focus areas, the next step is to understand the purpose of making such improvements.  Whom should we keep in mind while deciding what is to be improved?  who are the improvements for?  The answer is: it is for the customers because they are the reason for our existence (raison d'ĂȘtre).  Therefore, the concept of customers especially that of internal customers, is dealt with as the next topic ...


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