How to do Escalation process for any issues ? - Mechstudytips

  Escalation Process Through Mail

How to do Escalation process for any issues ?  - Mechstudytips

The escalation process is used to communicate the issues to next-level management people.

You are a supervisor of an area. Most of the problems are solved by you.  Some issues required additionals support like other function help, Cost impact. So you are tried up to your best level and things are not happening means, you can seek help from your higher-level people. This is called escalation.

Process Flow for Escalation 

1. First Mail to concern Person and Talking directly

2.  If no Improvement, Then Add the Incharge of that person in CC

3. If no Support Still, Address to that Incharge directly in TO and Talk directly to Him

4. If no support again, Then you put Gentle Reminder

5. Still you are getting any response, then Type Escalation 1 - To mark CC with Plant Head.


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