What is Poka Yoke? - Mechstudytips


UPS and jack are example of poka yoke

What is poka-yoke?

Poka-yoke is the Japanese word. It means Mistake proofing or error proofing.

Where is it used?

It is using by all type places including our daily routine life like locker key and locker.

When was it introduced?


What are the benefits of PY?

By this, you can avoid human error, reduce defects

What is the type of errors?

1. Forgetfulness

2. Error due to misunderstanding

3. Errors in identification

4. An error made by amateur

5. Overconfidence error

What are the types of PY?

1. Level 1 - Checklist control like billing

2. Level 2  - Identification control like color coding( Traffic Signals)

3. Level 3 - Strong control like a bridge for road transport and track for trains separately


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